2 dachshund girls are waiting for their owners in Dallas
Feb 3rd, 2025 at 16:46 Dachshund Dallas 96 views Reference: 203Location: Texas — Dallas
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Weare a privatekennelinDallas,ready to offerdachshundpuppiesforbooking.Twodachshundgirls are readytomove to anewfamily.Babies are 5weeks old,they have been leafed through,vaccinated,eatwellandplay. The dachshundis a uniquebreed of dogthatcanbecome a faithfulcompanion.However, it must be rememberedthatrepresentatives of thisbreedcanbe a littlestubborn,theyneedregularwalks,trainingandsocializationfromanearlyage.Thedachshund has well-developedhuntingqualities,soitcanhuntsmallanimalsandrodents.Ifyoudecide to putahamster with a dachshund, it's better to think a fewtimes,because the dachshundis a hunter.Interms of health, a dachshundisrarely a sickdog,however, due to thestructure of the body, itmayhavebackproblems.Dogs of thisbreed are idealforkeepingin an apartment. A greatdogforfamilieswholoveoutdooractivities.