Akita puppies, 9 weeks old, Dallas (Texas)
Mar 7th, 2025 at 13:38 Akita Dallas 136 views Reference: 128Location: Texas — Dallas
Price: $1,800
We offerAmericanakitapuppies. These arecutelumps of happiness, the kids are 9weeks old,theyeatgreatand are readytomeetanewfamily.This is an Americanakita,so the kids will growintolargeandquitemassivedogs.However,despitealltheirpower,Akitadogshave an extremelyfriendlycharacter.They are devoted to their owners,so they are ready to protectthemandshowtendernesswithalltheir might. An akitapuppycanbe a greatadditionfor an activefamilythat is ready to payenoughattention to a newfamilymember.Theakita has a fairlythickcoat,whichneeds to be combedwellandmonitoredso that the animalfeelsgood.Akitaneedsregularphysicalactivityandtraining.Dogs of thisbreedcanbe a littlestubborn,sotheyneed a strong-willed owner.All the babiesfrom the litterhaveexcellenthealth, are registeredin the AKC.Tobuy a baby, it is enough to use the contactslistedin the ad.Yourstrongandreliablefriend is alreadyreadytomeet.