American Pit Bull Terrier puppies, 9 weeks old, San Diego (California)
Jan 4th, 2025 at 01:04 American Pit Bull Terrier San Diego 90 views Reference: 117Location: California — San Diego
Price: $2,250
We offerpuppies of the American pit bull terrier. The babies are 9 weeksold,andthey are alreadyready to findtheiridealfamily.However,firstlet's getto know thembetter.Pit bulls areincrediblyfamily–loyaldogs.They are readyto do anythingtoprotecttheirloved ones.At the sametime, they areveryenergeticdogs,you will definitelynot get boredwiththem,theyneedregulartraining. The strengthandendurance of thesedogs is impressive,they are welltrained in commands,but it requirespatiencefrom the ownersinthismatter.Pit bulls are friendlytootheranimals,buttrainingpuppiesinterms of getting used tootherfamilymembersshouldstartfromanearlyage.Asfor the health of pit bullpuppies,they are completelyhealthy,vaccinatedandprogressed.Babieshave an excellentappetiteandeatspecialpuppyfood.Choose a pit bullpuppyandyou will notlose, these aregreatcompanionsforhome,sportsandtravel.Contactusat the phonenumberlistedon the website,andyoucanbecome a happyowner of a pit bullpuppy.