American Pit Bull Terrier puppy, girl, 10 weeks old, San Antonio (Texas)
Nov 26th, 2024 at 18:34 American Pit Bull Terrier San Antonio 118 views Reference: 178Location: Texas — San Antonio
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We offer a beautifulbaby pit bull.This is a girl10weeks old frombirth.There was oneof the litter left. She is looking forward to meeting her lovingfamily.Takeherin,youdefinitely won'tregret it.Previously, it was believedthatpit bulls werefightingdogsthatcould not be takeninto a familywithchildren.Indeed, the breedwasbredforfighting,but it is notafighting breed frombirth.Pit bulls lovetheirfamily,they are verygooddefenders.But the training of a dog of thisbreedtolivetogetherwithchildrenshouldbeginfromanearlyage. The samecan be saidabout the cohabitation of a pit bullwithotheranimals.Pit bulls areverysmart,theylearnquicklyandarehappy to followcommands. It must be rememberedthat a pit bullis an activedogthatneedsmovement.Justlyingon the couchwithher won'twork.Butit is an excellentcompanioninsportsandlonghikes.