Basset Hound puppies, 8 weeks old, Brooklyn (New York)
Jan 4th, 2025 at 13:54 Basset Hound Brooklyn 64 views Reference: 126Location: New York — Brooklyn
Price: $2,900
Do you want to buy a BassetHoundpuppy?Thenyou've come to therightplace. We offeradorable 8-week-old BassetHoundpuppiesinBrooklyn,NewYork.These are nativesof the huntingbreed,who are known for theirexcellentnose.Don't even try to hide the yummyfromBasset,he'llfind it.Despitethehabits of the hunter,thesedogs are characterized by increasedfriendliness,they are absolutelyfriendly,calmandaffectionatein the family. They canbe a littlestubborn,sobasset hounds needtrainingfrom an earlyage.Allbassetbabies,whichyoucanreserveonourwebsite, are distinguished by excellenthealth and enjoyeatingspecialpuppyfood.Theyhaveall the necessaryvaccinations and are treated for worms.If we talkaboutgrooming,thendogs of thisbreedrequirecarefulcareof their furandears.Ifyou are ready to take a devoted,lovingfriendintoyourhome,then the bassetwill be an excellentchoice. They arecalmdogs,so they are suitableforfamilieswith a moremonotonouslifestyle. They get alongwithchildrenandotherpets. You canorderBassetHoundpuppiesrightnowat the specifiedphone numbers.