Basset Hound Puppies, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)
Jan 27th, 2025 at 14:10 Basset Hound Philadelphia 120 views Reference: 176Location: Pennsylvania — Philadelphia
Price: $2,350
Do you want to get the bestpartnerin the worldtofindsweetsinyourhome?Thentake the bassetpuppy.He will findeverythingthat is hiddenwithyou.This is a huntingdogbreedthatwasbredat one timespecificallyforhuntingsmallgame,so it has an excellentnoseandwit.Today, bassets are not usedforhunting very often,butthey will be able to become a member of yourfamily.Despitethefactthatdogs of thisbreed are bredforhunting,they are nottooactive.Ifyouaskbasset to runafter the ballorlie down,he will definitelychoose the latter.Therefore, bassets will becomeidealcompanionsforthosewhoprefer a measuredlifestyleand are in nohurry.Theygetalong well withchildrenandotherfamilymembers,includinganimals. They are friendly,affectionateandcalm.Allbassetpuppiesfrom the litterare in excellenthealth,vaccinatedandtreated.However, when choosingabasset hound as apartner, you need to keepan eye on hisearsandfur,this is somethingthatrequiresincreasedattention.Basset hounds are welltrained,but they canbe a bitstubborn.