Boxer Puppies, 7 weeks old, Fargo, South Dakota
Jan 4th, 2025 at 01:04 Boxer Fargo 96 views Reference: 118Location: North Dakota — Fargo
Price: $3,000
Wehavegoodnewsforboxingfans.Boxerpuppies are readyforsale, the guys are 7weeks old andtheyalreadywant to meetanewfamily.Thesedogs are known for theircheerfulnatureandincreasedactivity.They are greatcompanionsforbothfamilieswithchildrenandsingles.Boxerpuppieshavemanyqualitiesforwhichthey are loved.These are energeticdogsthat will supportyouinanysport. An excellentchoiceforactivefamilies. The boxeris a breedthat is distinguished by devotionandlovingnature,so do not be afraid to beslobbered over,it is fromgreatlove.Ifyoutake a boxerintoyourfamily,hewillserveyoufaithfully.Asforgrooming,boxersare not pickydogs, it is enough to ensure a balanceddiet,regulartrainingandpropersocialization.Boxerpuppiesfrom the proposedlitterhaveexcellenthealth and are vaccinatedbyage. You can order a puppyusing the phonenumberlistedon the website.