Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies, 7 weeks old, Pompano Beach (Florida)
Mar 5th, 2025 at 03:22 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Pompano Beach 122 views Reference: 114Location: Florida — Pompano Beach
Price: $1,900
Ifyouneed a friendlyandaffectionatedog,then a cavalieris the perfectchoice. We offer3puppiesfrom the litter. The babiesare7weeks old,they are healthy,cheerfulandready for adoption by a lovingfamily.Thesedogs get alongwellwithotherpetsandfamilymembers.Theylove to spendtimein the company.Cavaliers are stronglyattachedtotheirowners, it is impossible to leavethesekids for a long time. The CavalierSpanielis an activedogthatlikes to runafter the ball and jump.However, gruelingtraining does notsuither.Interms of care, specialefforts are notrequired.Allpuppiesfrom the proposedlitter have been vaccinatedandtreatedagainstparasites. The onlything you shouldpayattention to iswool,it is proneto the formation of tangles,soitshould be combedregularly.Puppiesarehappy to eatspecialfood.Cavaliersareidealcompanionsandcompanions.Ifyoudecide to takethisbabyto your family,callthespecifiednumberrightnow.