Collie puppies, 8 weeks old, San Jose, California
Jan 4th, 2025 at 13:54 Collie San Jose 94 views Reference: 124Location: California — San Jose
Price: $1,550
Do you want to get a devotedfriend?Thenbook a colliepuppyinSanJose(California).This is a dogbreed that is widelypopular for itsdedication to its owner,highintelligenceandmagnificentcoat.Colliebabieshavelong,thicktricolorcoat,largeexpressiveeyes.Lookatthem!Is it possible to passbyandnotfall in love?Bynature, they arepeaceful and friendlydogs,they will notconflictwithotherpets for noreason. They get alongwellwithchildren. They are welltrained,as they haveintelligenceand quick wit.They can easilycompleteanytask.Collies are veryfond of theirowners,and a longseparationforthemcanbe a tragedy.Thisisworthremembering when choosing a baby.Colliesareactivedogs,so they are suitable for a familythat does notsitstill,loveshikingandtraveling.All the babiesfrom the litterhaveexcellenthealth.They are vaccinatedbyageandtreated for worms. The newowners won'thave any problemswiththis.Tobuy a colliepuppyinSanJose,callthespecifiedphonenumberrightnow.