Cute and affordable Border Collie puppies for sale
Jan 20th, 2025 at 22:03 Collie Cedar Falls 100 views Reference: 173Location: Iowa — Cedar Falls
Price: Contact us Negotiable
Cuteaffectionate border collie puppies are ready to findtheirhome.Thesekidsarealready 2 months old ,they are ready to find a lovingfamily. The dogshave a veterinarypassportandpassedcontrol,are treated for parasites, and have a goodappetite.The border collie is consideredoneof the mostpopulardogbreedsin the world.Suchpopularityamongdoglovers is due to theirfriendlynature,intelligenceanddedication.Theyhaveshorthairand a strongbuild, a characteristicfeatureis a thickbushytail.Bynature, they arebalanced, friendlydogs,which are difficultto anger.They get alongwellwithchildrenandbecometheirmostdevotedfriends. It should be notedthatbothpuppiesandadultdogs of thisbreedare veryactive,sotheyneedregulartraining.Theyhaveexcellentintelligence,so they are easytotrain, they graspnewcommandson the fly. Do you want a devotedfriendwho will supportyou in anyundertaking anything.