Jack Russell Terrier puppies, 4 boys, 1 girl in New Jersey
Feb 4th, 2025 at 00:15 Jack Russell Terrier Jersey City 70 views Reference: 208Location: New Jersey — Jersey City
Price: $3,000
We offerforsaleJackRussellpuppies.4boysand1girlfrom the lastlitter are availableforreservation.Weare a privatekennel,soall our puppieslivein an atmosphere of kindnessandlove. The puppies have been examined by a veterinarianandhave no healthproblems, they eatandplay well, they are accustomedtodiapers.JackRussellTerrierdogs are distinguished by highintelligence,friendlinessandunstoppableenergy.Theylike to run,jump, and play.Theywerebredin the UK for thepurpose of foxhunting,so they haveinnatehuntinginstincts.These are smartdogsthatlearnnewcommandsquickly.Ingeneral, it is a healthybreedthatrarelysuffers from anydiseases.However, there maybeproblemswithvisionandjoints, and visitsto the veterinarian should notbeneglected.JackRusselldogs are veryloyal to theirowners,so they canbecomeexcellentcompanions.