Labrador receiver girl, 18 weeks old, San Francisco (California)
Jan 17th, 2025 at 00:47 Labrador Retriever San Francisco 70 views Reference: 170Location: California — San Francisco
Price: $4,000
We offer a smartbabytoyourfamily.This is a girl of the Labradorreceiverbreed,completelyhealthy,playfulandwith an excellentappetite.Shehasbeenreadyfor“adoption” for a long time,socallrightnowso that the clever girl becomespart of yourfamily.Labradorsareoneof the mostpopularbreedsin the world.This is notsurprising,becausethesedogshave a highlevel of intelligence.They are beautiful,activeandveryloving.Suitable for bothasingleownerandafamilywithchildren.Dogs get alongwellwithotheranimals,but they need to be accustomedtoeach other fromearlychildhood. They are distinguished by their dedication and are easytotrain.Kidsunderstandcommandsperfectly,theycan be taughtfromearlychildhood. The Labradoris an energeticdogthatlovesactivegamesandwalks in thefreshair,soif you take a puppy of thisbreed,thenyou will definitelynot get bored at home.Dogsare in goodhealth, and minimalcare is requiredfortheirfur.Puppiesarehappy to eatspecialfood.Taking a Labradorpuppyinto the family,you will definitelynotregret it.