Pekingese puppies, 2 boys and 1 girl in Los Angeles
Feb 4th, 2025 at 00:15 Pekingese Los Angeles 68 views Reference: 204Location: California — Los Angeles
Price: $1,100
We offertobookPekingesepuppies.These are 2boysand1girlaged5weeks. The puppies were examined by a veterinarian, leafed throughandvaccinated.Theyeatwellandloveactivegames. The Pekingeseis a realtreasure,whichyoucanbecome the owner of rightnow. The breedhasancientChineseroots.Despitetheircomeliness, the character of thePekingese is independentandstrong.These are compactdogsthat are idealforkeepingin an apartment.Butthey have a longenoughcoat,which you need to learn how to properlycare for.Bynature, these are independentdogsthat will notfollowon the heelsof their owner,theychoosewhentheywant to playorsocialize.Theiropinion is definitelyworthconsidering.Pekingese are veryjealous,they do notlike to sharetheirmasterwithanyoneelse.Thisfactorshould be taken into accountifyouhaveotherpets.Pekingesecanbe a bitaggressivetowardsstrangers.Ingeneral, these arewonderfullumps of fluffyhappinessthatcanbecome a lovingandbelovedfamilymember.