The Siberian husky girl is ready to go home
Feb 4th, 2025 at 00:15 Others Denver 88 views Reference: 209Location: Colorado — Denver
Price: $2,200
We offer to order a Siberianhuskypuppy.This is a girl,she is already9weeks old.She is vaccinated, leafed throughandready to gohome.Huskiesareadorabledogsthat it's hardnot to fall in love with.Huskypuppieshavethickfur,whichmakesthem look likeaball of fur. The fox's muzzleanderectearsgivetheirappearance a specialcharm.This is a fairlylargeandactivedogthat you need to walk with regularlyand keep herbusy with training.If the husky gets bored, the dogcaneasilygofor an independentwalk. The husky's character is waywardand a littlestubborn,althoughit is a veryintelligentdog.Huskies get alongwellwithchildrenandotheranimals. He likes to walkoutdoors, an idealdogfor a privatehome,but he will be able to livein an apartmentifyouprovide him with sufficientphysicalactivity.Youcanorder a huskypuppyrightnow by contactingourkennelbyphone.Huskiesare a greatchoiceforactiveandathleticpeople.