Toy Poodle puppies, 2 months old, Detroit (Michigan)
Mar 18th, 2025 at 16:38 Poodle Detroit 84 views Reference: 166Location: Michigan — Detroit
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We offer you to get acquaintedwithourmagnificent toy poodlepuppies,whichwespeciallyraisedinloveandcareso that theycouldbecomepart of yourfamily. There areboysandgirls of red-browncolorin the litter.These are minipoodlesthatwill be the bestfindforlovers of tinydogs. They have a friendlycharacter and are absolutely non-aggressive.Anotherfeature of puppiesishypoallergenic,theydonotshed at all.Suitableforbothhomeandapartment.All the babies are vaccinatedandexamined by a veterinarian,theyperfectlyeatspecializedfood.Youcanorderthemrightnow by simplycontactingthebreederat the specifiedphonenumbers.Allbabieshave an internationalveterinarypassport.Toypoodlearetinylumpsthatcannotbeignored. Do you want a friend you canalwaystake with you?Thenreserve a toy poodlepuppy.Thesefunnykids are alreadywaiting for you.