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Weimar Greyhound puppies, Michigan

Feb 2nd, 2025 at 00:29   Weimaraner   Detroit   122 views Reference: 197

Price: $2,250

Private kennel offering Weimar Legionnaire puppies. There are 2 puppies, 16 weeks old, 2 boys available for booking at the moment. Our kennel takes care of the babies from the moment they are born until they are handed over to their new owners. All our puppies are healthy, vaccinated, treated against parasites and eat well.

If you want to own a beautiful dog, which is characterized by its elegant appearance and high intelligence, then Weimar Leghorns are the right dog for you. It is impossible not to fall in love with the puppies of this breed, because their light blue eyes look straight into the soul. They are lively, intelligent, inquisitive dogs that have a slender, sturdy build. They are easy to train, for example, our puppies are diapered and ready for further training. They can sense their owner's mood, so they need affection and understanding.

They are quite large dogs, so they need regular exercise. However, it is important to keep an eye on the load and not overload them too much. The Weimar lioness has a short coat, which practically does not shed, so they are ideal both for keeping in an apartment and in the house. They are very fond of children and their family.

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Aug 8th, 2024