Basset Hound puppies, 9 weeks old, Chicago (Illinois)
Jan 17th, 2025 at 00:32 Basset Hound Chicago 76 views Reference: 159Location: Illinois — Chicago
Price: $3,750
Cutekidswithfloppyears are looking for a family.Meet the BassetHound, we offer3puppiesfrom the litter,2boysand1girl.These are huntingbreedpuppiesthatwerebredspecificallytohunt down smallgame.They are perfectlyadaptedfor the home.Suitableforpeoplewho are looking for a dedicated,calmpartner.Idealforfamilieswithchildrenandforthosewhoappreciate a quietlifestyle.Allpuppiesfrom the litterare in excellenthealth,vaccinatedandproglisted.They are great at eatingpuppyfood.Thesedogsrequirespecialcarefor their furandears,andthey are also pronetoobesity,so it is recommendednot to overfeedbabies. They canbe a littlestubbornbynature,butat the same time they understandcommandswellandarehappy to followthem. Having seenthematleastonce, it is impossiblenot to fallin love with thesemileswithhugesadeyes. The Bassetswill be devoted to theirfamilyto the last. If you decide to buy a bassetpuppy,you will definitelynotlose.Totake the babyinto the family,contactusrightnowat the specifiedphonenumbers.