Dachshund Puppy 12 weeks Old Ready for Adoption in Texas
Feb 3rd, 2025 at 16:46 Dachshund Houston 70 views Reference: 202Location: Texas — Houston
Price: $1,750
Are you looking for a goodfriendwithwhom you can go for a walkandhunting?Take a dachshundpuppy. We offer a dachshundpuppy12weeksold.This is a boy,oneof the litter is left,hisbrothersandsisters have been dismantled,andthisbaby is stillwaiting for hisnewowners. The “child” is completelyhealthy,eatswell, has been examined by a veterinarianand has been leafed through, and alsohasallvaccinationsbyage.If we talkabout the nature of the dachshund,it is a bitstubborn,so the traditionalapproachtotrainingtheseanimalsshould be reconsidered. It is better to socialize a dachshundpuppyimmediatelyafteryou have takenhimhome. These arehealthydogsthatrarely get sick,butgoingto the vet should notbepostponed for a long time.Theymayhavebackproblemsdue to their bodystructure.Dachshundsrequire a lot of movementandactivity. A dachshundis a greatoptionfor an apartmentor a smallprivatehouse.She will becomeyourbettercompanion.Dachshundslovechildren,but they canbe a littlejealousofotheranimals.Topick up a puppy,callthespecifiedphonenumbersrightnow.