Poodle puppies, 12 weeks old, cute boy and girls from Detroit
Jan 27th, 2025 at 14:10 Poodle Detroit 110 views Reference: 180Location: Michigan — Detroit
Price: $2,200
We offercutepoodlepuppiesfrom the samelitter. They are a boyand a girlwho have alreadygrown up and are waiting for theirfamily. The babies are examined by a veterinarian, leafed throughandtreated for otherparasites.Theyhave an excellentpedigree, a pure-bloodedmomanddad.Poodlesare a breed of dogsthat is characterized by a restrainedcharacterandhighintelligence.These are idealpartnersforoldercouples,asthey are quitecalmathome.However, they are oftenchosen by activefamiliesandpeoplewithchildren,because a poodleisexactlythe kind of dogthatfitsperfectlyintoanyenvironment.Notethatpoodlesare a hypoallergenicbreed of dog,so they are suitableforallergy sufferers.Poodlepuppies are verysmartand quick-witted.Theirtrainingcan be startedfromanearlyage.They are veryattachedtotheirowners,love to playandbethecenter of attention.Youcanorderpuppies of thisbeautifulbreedinourkennel by contacting us byphonenumber.